Wiki Contributions



[I've talked to Zach about this project]

I think this is cool, thanks for building it! In particular, it's great to have a single place where all these facts have been collected.

I can imagine this growing into the default reference that people use when talking about whether labs are behaving responsibly.


And I feel like it's pretty obvious that addressing issues with current harmlessness training, if they improve on state of the art, is "more grounded" than "we found a cool SAE feature that correlates with X and Y!"?

Yeah definitely I agree with the implication, I was confused because I don't think that these techniques do improve on state of the art.


I'm pretty skeptical that this technique is what you end up using if you approach the problem of removing refusal behavior technique-agnostically, e.g. trying to carefully tune your fine-tuning setup, and then pick the best technique.


??? Come on, there's clearly a difference between "we can find an Arabic feature when we go looking for anything interpretable" vs "we chose from the relatively small set of practically important things and succeeded in doing something interesting in that domain".

Oh okay, you're saying the core point is that this project was less streetlighty because the topic you investigated was determined by the field's interest rather than cherrypicking. I actually hadn't understood that this is what you were saying. I agree that this makes the results slightly better.


Lawrence, how are these results any more grounded than any other interp work?


I don't see how this is a success at doing something useful on a real task. (Edit: I see how this is a real task, I just don't see how it's a useful improvement on baselines.)

Because I don't think this is realistically useful, I don't think this at all reduces my probability that your techniques are fake and your models of interpretability are wrong.

Maybe the groundedness you're talking about comes from the fact that you're doing interp on a domain of practical importance? I agree that doing things on a domain of practical importance might make it easier to be grounded. But it mostly seems like it would be helpful because it gives you well-tuned baselines to compare your results to. I don't think you have results that can cleanly be compared to well-established baselines?

(Tbc I don't think this work is particularly more ungrounded/sloppy than other interp, having not engaged with it much, I'm just not sure why you're referring to groundedness as a particular strength of this compared to other work. I could very well be wrong here.)


I'll also note that if you want to show up anywhere in the world and get good takes from people on the "how aliens might build AGI" question, Constellation might currently be the best bet (especially if you're interested in decision-relevant questions about this).


(I work out of Constellation and am closely connected to the org in a bunch of ways)

I think you're right that most people at Constellation aren't going to seriously and carefully engage with the aliens-building-AGI question, but I think describing it as a difference in culture is missing the biggest factor leading to the difference: most of the people who work at Constellation are employed to do something other than the classic FHI activity of "self-directed research on any topic", so obviously aren't as inclined to engage deeply with it.

I think there also is a cultural difference, but my guess is that it's smaller than the effect from difference in typical jobs.


I like this post and this research direction, I agree with almost everything you say, and I think you’re doing an unusually good job of explaining why you think your work is useful.

A nitpick: I think you’re using the term “scalable oversight” in a nonstandard and confusing way.

You say that scalable oversight is a more general version of “given a good model and a bad model, determine which one is good.” I imagine that more general sense you wanted is something like: you can implement some metric that tells you how “good” a model is, which can be applied not only to distinguish good from bad models (by comparing their metric values) but also can hopefully be used to train the models.

I think that your definition of scalable oversight here is broader than people normally use. In particular, I usually think of scalable oversight as the problem of making it so that we’re better able to make a procedure that tell us how good a model’s actions are on a particular trajectory; I think of it as excluding the problem of determining whether a model’s behaviors would be bad on some other trajectory that we aren’t considering. (This is how I use the term here, how Ansh uses it here, and how I interpret the usage in Concrete Problems and in Measuring Progress on Scalable Oversight for Large Language Models.)

I think that it’s good to have a word for the problem of assessing model actions on particular trajectories, and I think it’s probably good to distinguish between problems associated with that assessment and other problems; scalable oversight is the current standard choice for that.

Using your usage, I think scalable oversight suffices to solve the whole safety problem. Your usage also doesn’t play nicely with the low-stakes/high-stakes decomposition.

I’d prefer that you phrased this all by saying:

It might be the case that we aren’t able to behaviorally determine whether our model is bad or not. This could be because of a failure of scalable oversight (that is, it’s currently doing actions that we can’t tell are good), or because of concerns about failures that we can’t solve by training (that is, we know that it isn’t taking bad actions now, but we’re worried that it might do so in the future, either because of distribution shift or rare failure). Let’s just talk about the special case where we want to distinguish between two models which and we don’t have examples where the two models behaviorally differ. We think that it is good to research strategies that allow us to distinguish models in this case.


without access to fine-tuning or powerful scaffolding.

Note that normally it's the end user who decides whether they're going to do scaffolding, not the lab. It's probably feasible but somewhat challenging to prevent end users from doing powerful scaffolding (and I'm not even sure how you'd define that).

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